Chamber Members are invited to share their message with thousands of local companies and employees through the Westmoreland County Chamber of Commerce website, monthly newsletter and/or email network.
Newsletter Advertising: Include your company’s promotional PDF flyer in the Chamber’s monthly newsletter. The newsletter is sent to approximately 2,500 email addresses at the beginning of each month.
E-Blast Advertising: A Sponsor Spotlight e-blast is sent on the 15th of each month to encourage member to member business. Tag your message onto a Chamber e-blast as an effective way to reach thousands of recipients in a snap.
LED Sign: Promote your business on the Chamber's LED Message Board, located outside of the office along well-traveled Route 30 in Greensburg. The LED board features a limited amount of member sponsor messages and community activities in and around Westmoreland County. Your message will be displayed roughly 1,000 times each day, or at least once each minute.
Website Advertising: Reach thousands of unique visitors each month who look to to search local businesses, inquire about Chamber events or learn about quality of life in Westmoreland County.
Please contact the Chamber office at 724-834-2900 if you would like to discuss possible advertising opportunities for your business.