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Strategies for Improving Employee Retention in Small Businesses

July 15, 2024

Keeping your team together is key, especially for small businesses. Think about it: every time someone walks out the door, it’s not just a goodbye party you’re throwing; it’s time, money, and energy spent on finding someone new and getting them up to speed. Not to mention, it can really bring down morale when people…

Enhancing Workplace Satisfaction Through Employee Recognition Programs

July 10, 2024

Employee satisfaction directly correlates with productivity, morale, and overall workplace harmony. Recognizing and appreciating employees’ efforts can significantly boost their job satisfaction. Read on to learn more about increasing workplace satisfaction through effective employee recognition programs and practical tips on implementing them. What Are Employee Recognition Programs? Employee recognition programs are formal or informal initiatives…

3 Innovative Hiring Strategies for Small Business

July 1, 2024

Securing the right talent is crucial for growth, especially for small businesses facing unique recruitment challenges. The hiring landscape is constantly changing, requiring small business owners to be flexible and adopt innovative recruitment strategies to stay competitive. Leveraging social media and advanced technologies in recruitment can significantly enhance a small business’s ability to attract top…

Leadership Westmoreland Alumni Step Up for Leadership Westmoreland Youth Academy 2024

July 1, 2024

Leadership Westmoreland Alumni, alongside other industry representatives and professional speakers from around Westmoreland County, played a pivotal role in the success of Leadership Westmoreland Youth Academy 2024. Held from June 17-21, 2024, at the Westmoreland Conservation District’s location on Donahoe Road in Greensburg, the Academy hosted high school students from across Westmoreland County. The venue,…



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