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Small Businesses Drive Our Economy

August 9, 2023

“Shop small.” “Small Business Saturday.” We hear all kinds of chatter about the benefits of running and supporting small businesses. Plus we hear people say small businesses drive our economy. But what does that term really mean and how do these organizations fit into their surrounding communities? A Numbers Game The United States Census Bureau…

The 411 on Nonprofit Organizations

August 2, 2023

We hear a lot about charitable giving, the importance of philanthropy, and why we should support nonprofits. But what do those terms really mean? Let’s take a look at what constitutes a nonprofit and how you can get involved with causes locally. Defining Nonprofit As with nearly everything, the classification of nonprofit relates back to…

How to Create an Open and Honest Work Environment

July 26, 2023

How to Create an Open and Honest Work Environment Companies that operate based on facts rather than ego fare much better in the long run. They’re more productive, have a healthier team culture, and overcome setbacks more easily. To talk about work-related issues, employees have to feel comfortable sharing positive and less-than-desirable situations. That means…

Mandatory Fun and Other Faux Pas

July 19, 2023

Mandatory Fun and Other Faux Pas Is your party planning committee already discussing ugly sweater contests and company picnics? In recent years, there’s been a lot of discussion about how “forced fun” events at work can actually harm morale. People’s priorities have shifted with the pandemic. Many people prefer to spend time with their friends…



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