Arianna Huffington, the co-founder of The Huffington Post, famously criticized the practice of valuing employees solely based on their brilliance. She coined the term “brilliant jerks” for those who excel in their job but have a negative impact on the workplace. While it can be tempting to ignore interpersonal flaws for talent’s sake, promoting or hiring such individuals…
The Westmoreland County Chamber of Commerce proudly announces the establishment of its inaugural Young Professional group, marking a pivotal moment in the region’s efforts to cultivate the next generation of business leaders. With a steadfast commitment to collaboration, innovation, and amplifying the collective voice of emerging professionals, this initiative stands as a beacon of opportunity…
In today’s job market, it’s quite common for applicants to exaggerate on their resumes. A surprising find by CareerBuilder shows that 75% of hiring managers have spotted lies on resumes. This highlights a big problem in hiring – how can employers trust what’s on a resume? With the honesty of candidate qualifications on the line, it’s important…
Small business owners face marketing challenges with limited resources. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn to play the game, and it starts with making the most of your budget. When you focus on knowing your numbers, strengths, and connecting with customers, you can make smarter decisions with your marketing dollars. Read on to discover…