The Westmoreland County Chamber offers several committees and task forces to organize events and programs for the membership and improve our region all while promoting their business and network with other members. The Chamber invites members to join committees at any time.

Many members find committee involvement to be both professionally and personally rewarding. Most committees hold monthly meetings for approximately one hour with one to two hours of ‘outside’ work when projects dictate.

If you’re interested in serving on a committee, contact the Chamber office by calling us at 724-834-2900 or emailing us to indicate your preference.

Ambassador Committee

Ambassador Committee focuses on making new member feel welcome and on retaining current members. Ambassador committee members welcome all new members into the chamber through personal visits and/or correspondence.

Golf Committee

Golf Committee members work on one of the largest golf fundraising events in Westmoreland County. Committee members help recruit golfers, sponsors and fellow golfers to join us at the outing. The Chamber's annual Golf Outing is definitely a “one of a kind” event.members welcome all new members into the chamber through personal visits and/or correspondence.

Government Affairs Committee

Government Affairs Committee provides a non-partisan forum for the exchange of information by and between government officials, Chamber members and the business community regarding government issues. The committee assumes a leadership role as a non-partisan facilitator and advocate for the business community and the region on government affairs, be they at the local, state or federal level.

Business Meeting & Awards Committee

Business Meeting & Awards Committee plans and executes the Annual Business Meeting & Awards Ceremony typically held in October each year.

Prayer Breakfast Committee

Prayer Breakfast Committee is a joint effort with the Westmoreland County Community College to bring together business, education, government and labor. The Annual Prayer Breakfast is held the last Friday in January 7-9 a.m.

Staff Appreciation Luncheon Committee

Staff Appreciation Luncheon Committee plans the Staff Appreciation Luncheon, an event that pays tribute to our members' employees. The luncheon is held on a Wednesday in April to observe Administrative Professionals Day.

DEI Committee

DEI (Diversity Equity & Inclusion) Committee plans any related initiative, including seminars and workshops on the topic of diversity, equity and inclusion as it relates to our businesses and economic growth.

Marketing Committee

The Marketing Committee works to evaluate the Chamber's marketing presense, including branding and the web site content.

Women of Westmoreland Committee

The Women of Westmoreland (WOW) works to empower Chamber members and to advance women's leadership in our local economy through networking, professional development, and community engagement. The WOW committee helps to plan four events throughout the year.

Young Professionals Group Committee

The Young Professionals Group is our newest committee that will work to lead our younger members through networking, professional development, and community engagement. The YPG committee plans to have three or four events throughout the year.