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Navigating the Marketing Maze: A Small Business Guide to Maximizing A Small Marketing Budget

March 19, 2024

Small business owners face marketing challenges with limited resources. But that doesn’t mean you can’t learn to play the game, and it starts with making the most of your budget. When you focus on knowing your numbers, strengths, and connecting with customers, you can make smarter decisions with your marketing dollars. Read on to discover…

Navigating the Digital Waters: Guarding Against Phishing in the Business Ocean

March 11, 2024

The  Westmoreland County Chamber of Commerce remains committed to safeguarding your interests and ensuring the security of your valuable information. Recently, we’ve become aware of a concerning issue affecting some of our members – phishing attempts aimed at extracting sensitive data. The Threat at Hand It has come to our attention that certain members have…

5 Key Connections Every Leader Must Have in Their Professional Network

March 7, 2024

The path to successful leadership often depends on your network. Your connections shape who you are and who you’ll become. Cultivating connections is strategic, like building a chessboard where each piece is vital. To be an effective leader, surround yourself with those who expand your horizons, challenge you, and support your growth. Each leadership role…

Expanding Horizons: Governor Shapiro’s Transit Funding Proposal and Its Impact on Westmoreland County

March 1, 2024

The Westmoreland County Chamber of Commerce recently took part in a momentous event, hosting a joint press conference with Secretary of Transportation, Mike Carroll. This gathering was convened to delve into a groundbreaking development that has the potential to redefine the public transit landscape in Pennsylvania. Governor Josh Shapiro’s 2024-25 budget proposal stands out as…



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