Leadership Westmoreland Kicks Off 10th Anniversary Year!
Ten years ago, then Westmoreland County Chamber of Commerce President and CEO, Chad Amond, had a vision to relaunch Leadership Westmoreland. The once vibrant program had been dormant for several years and he saw the need to provide means of developing future Westmoreland County leaders. He assembled a committee consisting of Mike Storms, Director Operations EBARA ELLIOTT ENERGY; Dr. Jamie Piraino, Superintendent of Franklin Regional School District; Jim Smith, President and CEO Economic Growth Connection and Jason Rigone, Director of Planning & Development, Executive Director of the WCIDC. This group brought Grace Markum on board as the facilitator. She was tasked to bring the vision to life. Today, nearly 200 Westmoreland County professionals representing sixty-three companies, organizations and non-profits have experienced Leadership Westmoreland. Alumni have assumed leadership roles in their organizations and communities.
The 9-month program features over 40 guest presenters from Westmoreland County. In monthly, full-day sessions that include site visits and dialogue with key decision makers, participants hone their leadership skills, learn how the county operates, and gain access to resources that can be used throughout their careers. Participants immerse themselves in community projects, working in teams to study challenging issues and develop solutions. Through these relevant projects and the development of working relationships with team members and others, they learn how to affect real change.
The tenth anniversary year kicked off in September with a two-day retreat hosted by Westmoreland Conservation District. The event welcomed this year’s cohort and laid the foundation for the next eight months. Past participants were invited back to meet the new cohort and catch up with other alumni.
“We continue to strengthen the program by reviewing comments and suggestions offered by the previous nine cohorts. It promises to be another great year to Learn, Grow and Lead,” explained program facilitator, Grace Markum.
The curriculum includes sessions on Building a Business Acumen; Cultivating a Learning Culture; Understanding Community Caregiving; Living an Accountable Life; Being an Informed Citizen; Navigating an Information-Rich Culture; and Embracing a Work/Life Balance.
Throughout the past ten years, our sponsors have enabled the program to remain robust through their tireless support. Please consider if your company or organization would like to play a role in developing the next generation of leaders. If this idea resonates with you, please contact Grace Markum at leadership@westmorelandchamber.com for information on a number of available sponsorship opportunities. Each level offers visibility while demonstrating your support of this important initiative. We thank this year’s sponsors: Ebara Elliott Energy, The Community Foundation of Westmoreland County, Katherine Mabis McKenna Foundation, Williams and SCORE Westmoreland.