In this month’s edition, we shine a spotlight on WIN, the Westmoreland County Chamber of Commerce’s chosen non-profit.
Established in 2006 as a networking organization for professional women in the Greater Pittsburgh Area, WIN underwent reorganization in June 2011 to enhance its community support under the founder and leadership of Dawn Pomaybo. Evolving into a robust local organization, WIN expanded its vision and plan, serving men, women and young adults in Westmoreland, Allegheny and Washington counties.
Our purpose, through WIN-Spirations, Inc. (our 501C3 organization) is to reduce poverty and build gender equity by providing networking, professional mentoring, and education to individuals experiencing economic hardship. They do this by removing employment barriers, job training, and support in finding sustainable employment. WIN’s current initiatives include:
The WIN Resource Center – The Heart of WIN, houses affordable, professional clothing for individuals in need, along with technology and internet for individuals to use that do not have access to them at home. When individuals are referred to the organization or come through any of WIN’s programming, they are provided professional clothing, shoes, accessories, and/or outwear for free so that they may STEP UP to STEP AHEAD in their personal and professional lives.
WIN-Spirations – WIN-Spiration program efforts focus on economically challenged areas in WPA area – Allegheny, Washington and Westmoreland Counties. While they will not turn anyone away, they will make available as many scholarships as possible to participate in the programming at little to no-cost based on our grant-funding and donations.
The WIN Workforce Development Program (WDP) seeks to address the economic hardships faced by individuals by providing comprehensive job training and placement assistance empowering them to secure sustainable employment. This program supports economically challenged individuals, including those with mental health diagnoses, intellectual disabilities, individuals dealing with substance use or in early recovery, and those at risk of homelessness. The WIN Workforce Development Program is headquartered directly under the Westmoreland Chamber of Commerce.
Stories of Impact
While there are many stories of the amazing individuals served by WIN, there is one notable story that came out of 2023. Leslie Sperski came to WIN-Spirations and the WIN Workforce Development program seeking a means to change her life and find sustainable opportunities for herself and her family. Leslie, a 5th degree blackbelt, came out of the WIN program, with a new business, Survivorz Self-Defense and was honored at the 2023 Awards Ceremony for the first ever WIN-Spirations Award. Leslie is paying it forward by embracing her independence, championing the cause of other women, and courageously sharing her journey of overcoming trauma. Through sharing her expertise, she aims to empower women, offering them the opportunity to break free from the cycle of victimhood.
Those Served by WIN
Individuals experiencing homelessness or poverty. Those in transition or crisis. Those having difficulty advancing their careers. Those experiencing hardship due to employment barriers and Social Determinants of Health. Those who are interested in furthering their education, on any level.
WIN is currently accepting donations of Personal Hygiene Items for Program Participants. Donations may be dropped off by appointment at either location in Greensburg or Tarentum. All donations must be new, unopened and not expired. You may also choose to make a financial contribution thru our WIN-Giving Campaign. You may email WIN at info@na-WIN.com or call 412-963-6311 to schedule a drop off or become a donation site at your place of business.
To learn more about WIN, Donate and more, please visit their website at www.na-WIN.com. Connect with WIN through all of their social media platforms to stay informed.
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